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Green Belt status affords considerable protection against development.  Proposals within a Green Belt context will normally be prohibited unless it can be demonstrated that any harm to the Green Belt would be clearly outweighed by other considerations. 


Harm to the Green Belt is judged in terms of ‘impact on openness’ and may also be appraised in relation to the ‘five purposes’ of Green Belt.


The concept of ‘openness’ can be considered in terms of spatial and visual aspects.  Visual aspects of openness are related to the concepts and work of Landscape and Visual Appraisal (LVA) / Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA).  Many aspects of the ‘purposes’ of Green Belt also relate to LVA/LVIA work. 


Nigel Cowlin Ltd can provide supplementary appraisal and opinion on Green Belt impacts for a proposed development along with LVA/LVIA work.

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